At the beginning of classes, instructors distribute group names and codes for e-learning groups to students. In order to enroll in the class you should:
If you are unable to log in to the e-learning service write an email to with your name and album number. Ideally, the email should be sent from the address that appears in the Virtual University under Student–>General Data.
Each group follows a course that lasts the entire academic year. If a course has, for example, 10 units, the first 5 are visible in the first semester, and the second semester the next 5.
In addition, still the instructor can deliberately limit the time of access to individual topics, as well as homework, tests, etc.
Your instructor has set a deadline for taking this test. You try to solve it before or after the deadline.
You can use the e-learning platform on a cell phone through a browser, while a much more convenient way is through a mobile app.